It’s that time again. Yes, VBS is here again! This year we will have two options, and some might choose both. We are planning “Destination Dig” for June 13-18 from 6:00 to 8:30p.m. This is our traditional VBS. The ages are 4 years old by the start of VBS to finished 12th grade. Registration for this event will be very important and is now open. With us coming out of COVID-19, we will need to do a few things differently. Our class size will be limited to 25 children for each age level up to 5th grade. (The youth are outside and can spread out.) Our classroom space makes this necessary in the preschool and Children’s rooms. We do have a COVID policy in place and we will update our COVID policy each month. As of this publication, we are at green, meaning we will be fully open. If your child feels more comfortable in a mask you of course have that option. If the child’s room is full, you will have a chance to sign up for one grade higher or one grade lower until those options are exhausted. If you would like to be an adult helper in some capacity, jut contact Jason Hoke at the church office. We still have a few positions open.
In order to help with the smaller VBS capacity, we are also planning a second VBS in 2021, “Concrete and Cranes.” The second option is this fall during the Sunday School hour. This will start in August and run through mid-October in our elementary grades’ Sunday school. Our Sunday School teachers will be leading this ministry. I hope this will bring a great increase to our Sunday School hour. There will be Bible Study and Crafts one week, and Missions and Music the alternate week. This VBS will be over a 10 Sunday period, and if you miss a week, you will be ok to join in at any time. This VBS can have 100 children a week with our current plan. If we grow bigger than that, we will again need some help from our adult classes for a few weeks.
I do pray that we fill these options. I know the kids would like to get back to normal, and we will do our best to do that and be safe.