

God uses many tools to accomplish his work in this world, chief among these is the church. That is, you and me.

To do that, Jesus instructed us to “Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit”, Mathew 28:19.

That means the church is to train, equip, and send mission teams out into the field. That can be anywhere, here in St. Charles County, across the Rockies, or across an ocean to another continent on the other side of the world.

Our goal is to be obedient to our Lord Jesus Christ and go make disciples as led by the Holy Spirit.


We are people of all ages who have a passion for sharing the Good News of Jesus Christ with others. While not everyone can go across the globe to share the gospel, you might be able to pray or provide financial support for someone who can. But if you are able, go to the Lord first, seek His guidance, and then obey. Our prayer is that the Lord sends workers for the harvest and that you are one of them!


Any born-again believer seeking a deeper relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ.

Our Current Partnerships

  • Penonome, Panama
  • Caraguatatuba, Brazil
  • Flathead Reservation, Pablo, Montana

Penonome, Panama

We have been sending teams to different parts of Panama since 2014. Most recently to Penonome where Pastor Omar Peñaloza leads the Iglesia Bautista la Roca de Getsemani (Rock of Gethsemani Baptist Church). To learn more about going to Panama, click the links below:

Facts about Panama

Health Concerns

Safety Issues

Are you ready to sign up to go with us?  Click the link below to sign up or to email Glen.  

Email Glen

Caraguatatuba, Brazil

We first explored Brazil in September 2022 and after prayer agreed that we could go help and share the Good News in Caraguatatuba, Brazil. Our first mission trip to Brazil was in July 2023, and we look forward with great expectation to our future in this new field. Pray for us that we would be used in a mighty way, and that the Lord would show you how you might be used as well in the future.

Pablo, Montana

Since 2022 we have partnered with Kelly and Erica Michell, at Pablo Baptist Church in Pablo, Montana on the Flathead Reservation. They serve the people of the reservation and the local community. The native American children and families need to hear and see the love of Jesus in action. That is what we do. We are the hands and feet of our savior, and pray that the native peoples come to know our Lord as we do.

If you are interested in missions or have questions you may contact Glen Locklear by email or call 636-327-8696.

Email Glen

Next Step If You Want To Get Involved

Start by enrolling in the Missions 101 class that is offered twice a year. It is a six-week class that is complemented by an online class from the International Mission Board. If interested contact Glen Locklear by email at or call 636-327-8696.

To Join us:

  1. Must be a born-again believer in our Lord Jesus Christ and have accepted Him as your personal savior.
  2. Pray and determine if this is something the Lord wants you to do.
  3. Complete the Missions 101 course.
  4. Must be 15 years old unless accompanied by a parent or guardian.
  5. Complete the FBCW Mission Trip application.
  6. For International trips must have a passport.
  7. Spiritually prepare yourself. Recruit a prayer support team to remember you in advance of and during the mission trip.