
Helping Unite Gift Giving Sponsors - H.U.G.G.S.

At FBCW In The Community


To create connections within our community by building a network of sponsors that will provide a fragile family with the support they require to prevent a critical time from becoming an overwhelming crisis.  Volunteers will stand in the gap of tough situations and have the privilege of walking along side families as they work through difficult situations.

Need and Opportunity

Anyone who is led to help a family for an extended period of time.  Skill sets would include anything from prayer to odds and end jobs.  H.U.G.G.S. is looking for helpers who love the Lord and have a heart to help people.


Loving God & loving people through a wide variety of skill sets.

When Needed

Help is needed at random times all year long and not just during the Christmas season.  The schedule is random and ongoing. 


Volunteers will likely help for extended periods of time throughout the year. 

To Get Involved

Contact team leader Kathy Thompson at or call 636-332-5127 x222. We would love for you to take that step to be part of a team that strives to change our life at a time! Jer. 29:11

Not Sure Where to Serve?

If you haven't identified how you're spiritually gifted, take this survey below to assist you in discovering how you're gifted!

Help Me Find My Gift

It's Time To Get Involved

God has placed us here together for such a time as this when we can make a difference for the kingdom in a unique way.  You've been gifted in a unique way and our hope is you'll use those skills/talents/gifts to serve the Lord.  Prayerfully consider the many opportunities below that you could get involved in. 

Start A New Ministry?

If you don't find your fit among the many options below, we recognize that each part of the body is created unique.  If you're feeling called by God to start up a new ministry to help our church better Love God and Love People then we'd love to hear from you about what God is calling you to start!

Start a New Ministry

Begin Your Search Below