Introduction Video
If you missed Kyle's introduction video in Worship, check out this quick word from Kyle & Becca.
"I met my wife, Becca, the summer of 2002 after completing high school. It wasn't until 2004 when she enrolled at the University of Alabama, however, that we started dating. We married in May of 2008 and subsequently moved to New Orleans to continue my Seminary education. She loves working with kids and is an incredibly gifted teacher by trade."
"One of my greatest joys is being a father to Matthew (13), Eliana (7), and Riley (4). Matthew became a follower of Jesus and was baptized in 2018. We were blessed to be able to adopt Eliana from the Republic of Georgia that same year. Riley was born 6 weeks early on May 4, 2020 and is now a happy and healthy preschooler that enjoys life to the fullest."
Spotswood Baptist Church, 2019 - present
Spotswood Baptist Church, 2010 - 2019
Currently pursuing doctorate at Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary in Leadership Development
New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary
Master of Divinity (M.Div.), 2006 - 2010
University of Alabama
Bachelor of Music (B.M.) in Music Performance, 2002 - 2006
According to Matthew 28:19-20, our mission as disciples of Jesus is to make other disciples of Jesus. I believe the most effective way to do this is through the work of the local church. The local church has the unique opportunity to take the universal and unchanging truth of the gospel and contextualize it for
its unique cultural setting. Generally speaking I believe the discipleship process should mobilize people through the following steps (see Replicate by Robby Gallaty and Chris Swain):
While methods should change over time to best fit each context, I believe it is the responsibility of the pastors to lead the church in the pursuit of these five priorities. Over time Christ followers will progressively develop a greater faith in Jesus and demonstrate the fruit of Christlike character - not because of mere attendance or participation but because of heart transformation.
If you missed Kyle's introduction video in Worship, check out this quick word from Kyle & Becca.
Find out more about Kyle and his family and read a little of why each of the Pastor Search Team Members selected him.
Kyle's statement of belief is the Baptist Faith & Message 2000. That is the statement of faith adopted by our church in the Constitution.
Get a feel for Kyle's preaching by watching this recent sermon he preached at his current church.
Our Transitional Pastor, Bob Feeler, will fill the pulpit on the majority of Sundays. He has obligations related to his job as our Associational Mission Strategist that will require him to be in other churches occasionally. On a Sunday when Bob isn't able to preach, one of our pastors or a guest will be brought in to preach.
It's hard to define how long it will take to find God's man for the job. The key is for us to be patient and prayerful in waiting on God to reveal our next Pastor. While we don't know the specific time period, it isn't out of the ordinary for a pastor search to take 12-24 months. However long it takes, the healthiest thing for our church is to find God's man for the job; not to rush a decision that we find out later won't work well.
The framework of the process, both in terms of qualifications and the process itself, is defined by our Constitution. Unlike in some denominations, our church is autonomous so we are responsible for seeking out and hiring a new Lead Pastor. There is no higher denominational organization that will assign us a Pastor. There are a few steps to take to lay the groundwork for a successful search. Now that the Pastor Search and Selection Team is in place, the team has determined to follow a 5 phase process of searching and selecting a pastor. The 5 phases include - Setup, Study, Search, Select, Support. When they have narrowed the candidates down to 1 candidate, the congregation will have the opportunity to hear him preach, meet him, and ultimately be involved in voting to affirm the recommendation of the Search and Selection Team.
On June 11, 2023 the congregation voted to affirm the recommendation of the 11-member team. The team is composed of 5 from the Leadership Team and 6 from the nominations of the church. The 5 members of the Leadership Team are - Dennis Johnson, Grant Jessen, Jeremy Shirley, Jon Wies, and Luke Perstrope. The 6 members of the flock are - Gary Mills, Greg Atchison, Gwen Doyle, Janice Waldren, Joanne Lockard, and Kurt Schultz. If you'd like more information about those on the team, here are some PROFILES.
After seeking the Lord and potential options for a Transitional Pastor for months, on 7/16, the Leadership Team recommended Dr. Bob Feeler as our Transitional Pastor. On August 13, Bob was voted in as our Transitional Pastor.
Any active member of the church, who is at least 18 years old, may vote on any of the recommendations provided by the Leadership Team or in the case of our Lead Pastor search, the Search and Selection Team. To be a member, you need to have completed a membership class or met with a pastor, professed faith in Christ, been baptized, and completed the Membership Commitment form. Responding to an invitation or growing up in the church does not make you a member of FBCW. If you're unsure if you've completed the membership process by turning in your Membership Commitment form, please feel free to contact and she will be glad to check our records, help you set up a meeting with a pastor, or complete the Membership Commitment form.
The Leadership Team has an email address - . If you are not able to send an email to us, please feel free to address a letter to the attention of the Leadership Team and place it in the mail or drop it off in the church office.
Click the link for the profiles of the 11-member team recommended by the Leadership Team.
The Bible is our first authority to guide the search for our next Lead Pastor. Second to it are the guidelines laid out in the Constitution.
One of the best ways to join the search process is through prayer. Click the link to find ways you can pray!
Email or drop a letter off at the office to "Pastor Search Team".