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Every year we have a retreat for Middle School Guys and their dads. This event is named Man-Up and the focus is on biblical manhood. I believe this topic is increasingly relevant and necessary for our young men. Each year, when approaching this topic, we have to ask “When does a boy become a man?”

The islanders in Vanuatu construct tall wooden towers, up to 100 feet tall. The tower has long vines hanging from different heights. As a part of a ritual, men will jump from this tower. This act of land diving serves as a passage into manhood for the boys on the island. Boys as young as five years old begin tying vines to their ankles and hurl themselves head first towards the ground. The further up the boys jump, the more masculine they are considered. This ritual shows strength, bravery, and faith—all qualities that the people value in their men. Through this ritual, the islanders are able to determine when a boy becomes a man—but what about for us?

There is a trend amongst young men in the United States referred to as “delayed adolescence” or “emerging adulthood”—the former being used as the primary, and arguably more accurate, term. This reference is to name the whole generation of young adult men who are extending their period of freedom and self-pursuits for years beyond what has been traditionally typical. An example of this is that currently, 58% of men in their 20s are married, while thirty years ago that percentage was 85%. Adult aged males, are living more like boys than men, pursuing video games and part-time jobs over careers and families. Our current culture has many potential men struggling to find meaningful purpose.

Christ-followers should seek to raise our boys into men who are successfully pursuing biblical purpose. A Christian man should be defined by his pursuit in following Christ, his sacrificial love for others, and his desire to work.

  1. Pursuing Christ: While this applies to all of mankind, it still carries high importance that, if men are to be the spiritual leader of their homes, that they are an active believer, pursuing Christ as they lead others to Christ. Matthew 22 states our greatest commandments, and as a creature made in God’s image, man cannot fully fulfill his purpose outside of following God. If we want the Church to raise godly men, it is necessary that they are guided in pursuing God.
  2. Sacrificial Love: Everyone loves a story where the hero risks everything for someone else; and we often want to be that hero! The concept of sacrificial love was exemplified in the love that Christ demonstrated on the cross and is then to be emulated by his followers. If a man is living for himself above all, he is missing his purpose. Men are blessed to be given the roles and titles of husband, father, brother, son, etc... Each of those roles presents an opportunity for a man to love someone more than himself, and in doing so, show a Christ-like love to others. Boys must be shown what this looks like by watching the other godly men in their lives.
  3. Work: Men were instructed to work from the very beginning, in the Garden of Eden. People are to work for the purpose of a myriad of things being accomplished. It is important that a work ethic is instilled in boys for them to see the value as men. While it may be easier to pick up a boy’s clothes, eventually there comes a point where a young man needs to know where clean clothes come from! Work is not a punishment but a necessity of life and it is important to help boys understand the importance of work and its role in a balanced life. Also, perhaps in a more important light, we are called to work for God. The purpose that many of the young men in America are missing can be found in a life that glorifies God through the work he has set for us to do! Churches are hungry for young men to invest their time and talents into the Kingdom. The goal is not a generation of workaholics—but rather a mindset that recognizes that work is a good thing for providing needs and for glorifying God.

The issue of delayed adolescence within young Christians is not solved through complaining about millennials--or through a three-point list within an 835-word blog. A boy does not become a man when he reaches a certain age, achieves a particular accolade, or reaches a certain life stage.  A boy becomes a man when they begin to live for God and others, in a way that fulfills their God-given purpose. If we want godly men, we need to invest in the young men around us through instruction, guidance, and being an example. I encourage you to invest in our young men with your prayers, your example, and your time.

Posted by Alec Erhart with
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The youth group recently traveled to the city of Carlisle, Ohio to partner with The Village Church of Carlisle and serve alongside them for the week. During the week the group spent the mornings helping the church during the kids club at the park. Students helped with groups and ran games. During this time they were able to build relationships with the kids while going through stations such as recreation, Bible, crafts, and snack. They were challenged this week to be very intentional in sharing the Gospel with students and they went above and beyond what was asked of them. Many in our group were pushed out of their comfort zone because of the sharing but that didn’t stop them! In total, we had fifty Gospel conversations, six of which came on Friday while we were at the amusement park and talking with people while waiting in line. It was great to see their efforts in several different areas of the kids club serving and sharing!

In the afternoons during the week, the group served several different ways in the area. They helped out at the church’s ministry center advertising and offering a free car wash two days of the week and helping prepare rooms for painting and other general clean up. We also helped with Headstart, which is a preschool in the area. They are currently switching into a new building so the students helped paint rooms, move tools around to help with those fixing and performing maintenance for the building, power washing the building, pulling weeds, and taking care of larger trash that needed to be carried. And the last company they partnered with was Alistrong which is a resale store where people can come shop and offer a price for different things like clothes, shoes or other household items or they also help those who aren’t able to afford clothes and allow them to come to pick up things every couple weeks. So the students helped sort through clothes, organize, paint, as well as other general building maintenance. During the afternoon time of service, the students did a great job working hard and serving the different ministries in the area.

Overall, the week was a great time of seeing students stretched and pushed out of their comfort zone, becoming leaders and ministering to the younger students around them. We had great attitudes, especially later on in the week as we were running on little sleep. They had very busy days and they continued to serve and continued to stay patient, helpful and upbeat as a group. We are very thankful for the group that went and served and are proud of their efforts during the week and willingness to serve.

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