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    Questions for The Leadership Team

    01.24.25 | Hub

    In an effort to answer all questions that you may have regarding the Pastor search and this time of transition, we have created an LEADERSHIP TEAM EMAIL just for you! If you do not use email, feel free to write a letter and send it to the...

      Renew the Campus

      01.24.25 | Hub

      As we continue our journey of renewal, consider giving above your tithes to support projects like signage, flooring, and the Student Room. Designate your gifts to "Renew the Campus" and help pave the way for our church's...

        Lottie Moon Christmas Offering 2024

        01.24.25 | Missions | Hub

        The global population is almost 8 billion people. More than half have not heard the good news of Jesus Christ's birth, life, death, and resurrection. That is more than half the world doomed to an eternity without God. Would you not want to...

          Inclement Weather Information

          01.24.25 | Hub

          If there are any schedule changes due to inclement weather they will be announced in the following ways: Call 636-327-8607 and press 2 during the introduction. This will connect you with the weather information mailbox. Any schedule changes...

            Scripture Memory

            01.24.25 | Hub | Announcements

            This Week's Bible Verse is Exodus 22:23 "If you do mistreat them, and they cry out to me, I will surely hear their cry."