Solid Rock Academy FAQ & Forms

MyProcare Parent Portal

(Must Be Enrolled To Utilize Parent Portal)



2024-25 Enrollment packet

Download Here

Medical Examination Report

Download Here

Automatic Payments Form

Download Here

Parent Handbook

Download Here

2024-25 Preschool calendar

 Download Here


Schedule Information

What days are you open?

  • The preschool classes are open Monday – Thursday throughout the school year.

What are your hours?

  • We are open from 9:00 – 2:00 for preschool.

Do you offer before or aftercare?

  • At this time, we do not offer any before or aftercare.

Are you open during the summer?

  • We are not open during the summer. Our calendar generally runs from the end of August – the week prior to Memorial Day. Please refer to our school calendar for specific opening and closing days.

Can I receive a current school calendar?

  • Links are provided above to our current calendars.

Can I change my child’s preschool schedule during the school year?

  • As long as there are openings in your child’s classroom, you can change his/her schedule. You would need to speak with or email the Facility Director to make any changes.

Can I withdraw my child prior to the end of the school year?

  • When you enroll your child, we are promising you the agreed upon opening for the entire school year. If you wish to withdraw your child early, we ask for 2-weeks’ prior notice.  Please speak with or email the Facility Director if you need to withdraw your child.

General Information

What age children do you take?

  • We will enroll any child who is 9 months-Preschool.

Does my child have to be potty-trained?

  • All children who are 3 by July 31 of the current school year must be potty-trained.

What is your inclement weather policy?

          For Inclement Weather:

  • If the Wentzville School District closes, Solid Rock will also be closed.
  • Solid Rock will announce school closings using the following formats:
    • on our website
      • Be sure to go to the “Solid Rock page” of our website, which is the link above.
    • via email. IF you submitted Mom’s and Dad’s emails BOTH will receive an email.
    • via text. to the primary care contact on file.
  • The website will always be your first mode of contact, especially IF Wentzville School District closes, and you are wondering IF we are closing; go to the website. 

Do you observe Wentzville School District’s scheduled late-start days?

  • Wentzville School District has placed on its calendar approximately one Monday a month in which they open late. Solid Rock Preschool does NOT observe those days and will open at 9:00. 

Can I celebrate my child’s birthday at school?

  • Birthdays are generally observed during the class snack time. You may send in a store purchased snack for your child’s birthday. Please speak with your child’s classroom teachers prior to your child’s birthday to verify the number of children enrolled AND allergy concerns in the classroom.

Financial Information

What are your current tuition rates?

What is your registration fee?

Do you accept Federal Subsidized tuition payments?

  • At this time, we do not.

What type of discounts do you offer (i.e. ministerial, twin, etc.)?

  • The preschool offers discounts if you have more than 2 children enrolled in the school.

When is tuition due?

  • Monthly tuition is due on the first of the month beginning September 1 and ending with May 1.

Can I pay my monthly tuition online?

  • If someone in your family is currently enrolled in Solid Rock, you can pay tuition online. You will need to use an email address that is listed on your child’s enrollment form.

What is the website to pay monthly tuition?

Is there an additional fee to pay tuition online?

  • No, online payment expenses are covered in your monthly tuition.

How do I know how much to pay each month?

  • When you login to, you can see your current balance, check your permitted to pick-up list, and much more.