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WAS a good way to take your mind off of school and all of the mounting stresses that every college student experiences to some degree or another while living away from home!  While living in Tahlequah, Oklahoma I had floated the river several times with friends from the dorm and I was surprised how peaceful and comforting it was...that was until one day, after a rainfall of several days had occurred, I ventured out on the river with a couple of guys and the river was up...and it was moving fast...and I couldn’t seem to row fast enough to keep control of my canoe and take a safe path through the turbulent waters.  I finally made it to my final location and realized the “peaceful ride” was anything but peaceful.

In fact, I didn’t really want to “float” anymore.  But my experienced canoer friend was quick to get me back out on the river as soon as possible and help me to learn how to handle raging rapids.  He demonstrated the secret of being able to “take a break” in the middle of raging waters.  He showed me that there were quiet eddies behind some of the big rocks in the rapids and it was behind those big rocks that you could take a little rest as you travelled through some very challenging white waters.  There you could plot your path and have the confidence you needed to complete your journey.

He showed me how, I tried it, it worked, and the big rock actually became my very best friend on more than one occasion.  It’s good to know where to go when the current on the river begins to quicken to the point of being overwhelming.

 With the constant drumbeat of the daily news and the never ceasing challenges of daily living you may find that the current on your river has picked up the pace quite a bit lately.  Or perhaps your world has been turned upside down by turbulent waters you just didn’t see coming.  You find yourself in overwhelming rapids and the stress and unknown turns of the rapids have been a little bit more than your used to handling and it’s beginning to take a toll on you.  You need to find a quiet and safe place to renew, refresh, and prepare for the rest of the journey.  It’s no mistake that one of the pictures recorded in the Scriptures describes our God as the “rock of our salvation” .  You can find the rest you need and make preparation for the journey of life with confidence and peace as you find your rest and direction behind the “Big Rock”.

 For God alone my soul waits in silence; from him comes my salvation. 2  He alone is my rock and my salvation, my fortress; I shall not be greatly shaken.  6  He only is my rock and my salvation, my fortress; I shall not be shaken.                                Psalm 62:1-2, 6 (ESV)

The Rock that the writer of this passage, King David,  finds in the rapids of his life...is not a therapist or anyone on earth...the only place where a turbulent heart can find peace and direction is in a personal relationship with an unshakeable God.  All of the stuff beyond our control can easily be handled by Him.

You can find peace and refreshment to carry on with the journey and successfully and meaningfully navigate through life.  And like the friend who shared with me how to navigate the turbulent waters, you can give help and comfort to others as you share with them where you have found your peace and safety.

According to the Scripture, peace is a Person.  You will find that peace when you find Jesus and rest in His shelter of personal love, unlimited power, and guidance available for the journey we face.

 Come to me, all who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Matthew 11:28 (ESV)

If you’re not experiencing peace in the raging rapids, it might be the case that you’ve let the strong current pull you away from your rock of refuge.  The pull and the pressure may have caused you to neglect your time near the Rock.  Or, it could be you’ve never taken shelter in Him at all.

Stubbornly we try to navigate through this life on our own.  How’s that working for you?  Pretty stressful.  Takes away your energy doesn’t it?  Not an easy ride...and it eventually ends up with cascading over the unforeseen waterfall into even greater trouble.

No need for that.  It’s time to rest behind Jesus the Rock.  You can trust in Him because He died for you.  You can find the peace you need and discover the direction you need to navigate through this life with success and peace. 

The Rock brings you peace and preparation on the River for sure.  And Jesus, our Rock brings us the peace and preparation we need for daily living.

When the river rises and the current becomes overwhelming find your rest behind the Big Rock, the Lord Jesus.  Let the struggle end and ask for His help and you will enjoy the peace that “surpasses understanding”.

do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. 7  And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus. Philippians 4:6-7 (ESV)

Receive the peace you need...today...from Him.

Posted by Ralph Sawyer with